Women and Nutrition (WANA) Project

Women play a major role in determining the family nutrition. What they buy from the market and what they cook at home of the nutritional values the family members will get from a meal. The WANA project aims at building the capacity of women to produce, market and prepare delicious vegetables with high nutritive value for the family. It involves 250 women using improved technologies including micro irrigation, to produce good quality vegetables.

GP Project

Grow Parsley (GP) project, a 3 year project, started 2021 with the objective of increasing incomes, improving nutrition and land use among smallholder farmers. The project has had great impact especially among youth farmers whose major constraint is access to land. Parsley can be produced continuously even on very small pieces of land to make an economic benefit. Weekly sales of parsley enable youth and women farmers sustain their daily needs and fill in the gaps created by rampant unemployment.